TTI Testing offers a complete range of services which include:
Expert witness support in the field of wire, fibre and chain components.
Forensic examination of failed or retired samples to determine condition and causes of degradation.
Torsion, reverse bend and tensile testing on rope wires.
Galvanising coat assessment.
Metallurgical sections and hardness testing.
Optical Microscope and Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM).
Carefully designed testing to replicate a specific service condition, and particularly the way in which the rope interacts with other ropes or hardware.
Breaking strength measurement.
Standard fatigue characterisation of elements under Tension-Tension (T-T), Cyclic Bending over Sheave (CBoS), Bending-Tension (B-T) and Tension-Torsion loading.
Yarn-on-yarn abrasion testing.
Qualification testing of new products.
Fibre optic and electrical continuity monitoring.